"The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life." -Steve Jobs
Every new adventure has a beginning. Every adventure has bumps and cracks. We all need to learn from the good and the bad; just be willing to enjoy the ride!
As we worked for our first year, we made adjustments to the following scope and sequence. Quickly we discovered that meeting each week for buddies in the beginning was not a productive use of time for all involved students. We also quickly learned that students needed time separate from their buddies to research, take notes etc. We also realized that depending on the grade, some students needed specific lessons to prepare them to work with their buddy. Check out our Resource / Process Findings page and our mini-lessons page for resources and ideas to support inquiry buddies. In addition, see how Inquiry Buddies fits into the new BC Curriculum and addresses the Core Competencies perfectly!
Mini-lessons are suggested at the beginning of implementing Inquiry Buddies and throughout. From our experience, mini-lessons are best done in their grade level classes.
Mini-lessons are suggested at the beginning of implementing Inquiry Buddies and throughout. From our experience, mini-lessons are best done in their grade level classes.
StepsPrior to Starting:
ActivitiesConversations / Lessons need to take place in all buddy classes on the following topics:
Step 1:
were formed under larger 'umbrella' topics. For example, we created a reptiles group with students interested in turtles and Komodo dragons.
Teachers: Gather resources from media center, library, book rooms, video, internet etc.
Step 2: Buddy Day
After learning their topic each student individually completes The Beginning of my Inquiry Journey sheet and Know Wonder sections of the Know Wonder Connections sheet. They bring both to their next meeting together.
Step 3: Buddy Day
Step 4:
Please see Mini Lessons on questioning, internet safety, valid information source, effective internet searching, and bias that should be occurring in class simultaneously during steps 1 to 4.
Step 5: Answering initial questions
Meet with Student Interest Groups
Have a Buddy Fun Day - Games Day was a real hit! Younger Buddy brings in a game from home!
Step 6:
Step 7: Buddy Day
Time to Start Creating, Representing and Reporting out Learning!!
Step 8: Brainstorming
While working through Model / Representing Phase, prepare some questions for an outside expert
- “Ask an Outside Expert Day” (teacher sets up something for groups)
- Skype, guest, dvd, virtual field trip, etc.
- Write what they learned through reflections on blog, in iThought journal